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SPELT Quarterly Journal – Spelt

SPELT Quarterly Journal


The Quarterly reaches out to all members of the English Language teaching community. It endeavors to keep them abreast with the latest ELT information and teaching techniques. It also aims to provide a platform to local teachers for publication of their articles dealing with language teaching and its implications. Keeping in mind the above-mentioned aims of our journal we publish articles fitting the following description: 

Lead Articles: (4000-5000 words) These articles are intended to inform and reflect eminent theories, practices and issues. They have theoretical underpinnings or are research-based reflecting current trends in English language teaching. References and citations need to be attached. 

Short Articles: (2000- 3000 words) Intended to promote innovative and interactive teaching strategies and styles, the articles usually include activities and exercises that teachers can use in the language classroom. These articles are based on: 1) Exploitation of visuals for language teaching 2) Global issues integrated into the language lesson. 3) Teaching Tips that help the teacher in the language classroom It is expected that activities given in the articles are sequenced in order of difficulty and that the answers are supplied. 

Teacher-Talk: (1500-2000 words) Contains articles that are intended to allow teachers to share their teaching experiences and issues related to their careers. 

Reprinting of Articles: Articles may be reprinted in other journals for language teachers, provided that the author and source are stated. Two copies of the journal in which the article appears should be sent to the Editor. 

Call for Paper


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