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PCIs and Registration Form – Spelt

PCIs and Registration Form

3- Hour workshop

Authenticity in ELT Material Development

 The notion of authenticity has been explored in diverse contexts and on different occasions over the last forty years, mostly in terms of the type of constructed vs. authentic language samples as used in course-books.  The nature of authenticity has recently been further researched because of globalization and of ICT use and because of the emergence of new forms of authenticity and the relevance of localized language use.  Course-books do not always provide all that is needed and teachers, particularly non-native ones, usually look for other forms of support to their work, as authentic audio, video or multimedia texts and for tasks appropriate for learning.  Local teachers are engaged in developing their own materials and resorting to authentic resources as the ones their learners might be exposed to when out-of-school.  This workshop will address classroom teachers’ needs by offering hands-on activities based upon the use of authentic materials for classroom learning. Teachers can thus encourage learners to ‘practise’ authenticity by engaging them both in the use of authentic materials, as well as of tasks whereby resorting to communicative strategies they ‘authenticate’ their language use. Workshop participants are encouraged to bring and share samples of their self-developed material.

Who should attend?
Teachers of all Levels
Date: October 28, 2019
Timing: 3:00 pm -6:00 pm
Workshop Fee:
Member’s Fee: Rs. 2,500
Non Member’s Fee: Rs. 3,000
Venue: SPELT Head Office
Limited seats on first come, first served basis
Inclusive of course materials, certificate, & refreshments
Become a member on the spot and avail member rates.
Institutional members – send 4 teachers at member rates


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

Objectives of the workshop

The workshop participants will

  • discuss their ways of developing teaching materials in their language classroom;
  • familiarize with new forms of authenticity in English language teaching;
  • be presented with ways of identifying authentic materials and of adapting them for teaching purposes through appropriate tasks;
  • develop guidelines for the use of authentic materials.

Lucilla Lopriore, Roma Tre University. MA TEFL, Reading, UK; PhD Italian L2, Siena University. TESOL Intl. Board (2001-2004), TESOL Research Council (2015/18). ELLiE project (2006-2010), ENRICH Erasmus+ Project (2018/21) Italian coordinator. Teacher educator, course-book writer. Fields of interest: Assessment, Mediation, English as a Lingua Franca, Teacher Education, Early Language Learning, CLIL. 



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