Karachi Lahore Islamabad Abbottabad
October 26-27 , 2019 November 2-3, 2019 November 2-3, 2019 November 9-10, 2019

Guidelines for Presenters

SPELT would like to invite ELT professionals, practitioners and scholars from around the globe to its 35th International Conference in Pakistan. The theme of the Conference this year is: Innovations in ELT :  Future Directions. Technological and other innovations are a part of education and of English language teaching. Some recent innovations in this regard include blended learning, mobile learning, gamification, embodied learning, inquiry-based learning, multi-literacies and trans-language, learning and teaching management platforms etc. The conference will provide presenters the opportunity to share their perspectives on major trends in global ELT and expose them to the changing perspectives regarding English teaching and learning. The conference will also provide opportunities to both novice and experienced English Language teachers to highlight their multifaceted work and to connect with like-minded professionals to collaborate for future projects.

The SPELT Conference is a unique system of ‘chain conferences’ that was developed to reach out to a maximum number of ELT practitioners across Pakistan. This year, the conference is scheduled to be held in four cities: Karachi, October 26 – 27, 2019; Lahore and Islamabad, November 2 – 3, 2019; and Abbottabad, November 9 -10, 2019. The exciting aspect of the SPELT Conference is that it allows presenters to present at conferences in 2-3 cities of Pakistan, over three consecutive weekends. For presenters coming from outside Pakistan, this provides an excellent opportunity to see and experience Pakistan, both at the professional and at a personal level. However, there is no obligation for presenting in all the four cities; depending on availability, presenters from both within and outside Pakistan can choose any number of venues and present in any city (or cities) that suits their schedule.

The SPELT International conference aims at:          

  • Enhancing the quality of teaching of English, assessment and evaluation
  • Improving the quality of teacher education and training
  • Promoting learner autonomy
  • Narrowing the gap between teachers andresearchers
  • Providing a professional forum for sharing and networking
  • Reviewing the role of English in the changing world
  • Keeping teachers and ELT practitioners abreast with the latest developments in the ELT World.

Proposals are now being invited for the 35th SPELT International Conference in the following areas:

Research (Research Special Interest Group)  
Systemic Functional Linguistics / Applied Linguistics  
Management and Leadership in ELT  
Teacher Education and Development  
Second Language Teaching ( Macro and Micro Skills of  ESL / EFL)
Assessment in ELT  
Literature and Language Teaching / Learning
ESP/Business English  
Special Education Needs  
Teaching Urdu / Other Regional Languages
Early Childhood Education  

The following types of presentations are being solicited:

Type of Presentation Time Duration Description Of The Presentation Proposal Content Aim
Workshop 1 hour 30 minutes  
50 minutes  
Organized session on a particular professional development area, dealing with an issue, or developing techniques for a particular type of teaching and research. Proposal should include a brief bio data of the presenter(s), session goals, an abstract of the theoretical framework and a description of workshop tasks and procedures.   Should provide interactive activities in which participants share information, participate in simulations, and/or create materials and action plans.
Poster Session 20 minutes A synopsis of a research or creative project presented in a graphical representation     Proposals should include a brief bio data of the presenter(s), the main topic(s) and a detailed description of the visual display.  Audio visual aids will not be available. Project must be academically sound, highlighting work through charts, graphs, maps, etc. 
Teaching Tips 20 minutes An oral summaryof a particular teaching strategy/technique/practice by presenters Proposal should include a brief bio data of the presenter(s), a synopsis of the techniques, including a short description of the teaching tip. Audio visual aids will not be available. Precise version ofa valuable technique from classroom practice and samples of outcomes may be shared.
Paper 50 minutes Oral presentation in relation to theory and /or practice of the researched topic, idea and work   Proposal should include a brief bio dataof the presenter(s), a synopsis of the topic, including principal research question, results, supporting evidence, and implications.   Presentation should address a general ELT audience, not scholars in a subfield. Researchers can submit a joint proposal focusing on two related research projects in ELT.
      Demonstration                   50 minutes Showing rather than telling about a technique for teaching or testing, with only a brief (not more than  
5 minutes) reference to the underlying theory.
Proposals should include a brief bio data of the presenter(s), abstract of the demonstration, including a brief explanation of the technique for teaching and testing. Should provide interactive activities that demonstrate the technique.        

General Guidelines

  • Only original work and abstracts will be reviewed. In case of any non-professional conduct (plagiarism, etc.) the paper can be rejected at the stage of review or even subsequently.
  • In general, presentations should be based on practical classroom experiences, as far as possible.
  • Resources and references must be duly acknowledged in all the material – abstract, hand-out, presentation, etc.
  • In case of more than one presenter, the contact person for correspondence as well as co-presenters must be clearly mentioned in the form

Submission Directions

  • Please read the form carefully and complete all sections. Only complete abstract forms will be considered, regardless of how early they are submitted by the presenter.
  • All abstracts must be submitted on the SPELT abstract form.  This form is available on the SPELT website and can be downloaded, if required.  
  • Save your proposal form as: Abstract – Full Name – Year (Abstract – Anum Ahmed – 2019)
  • Please email your proposal form to using the form provided with this document.
  • Please put your name and the conference year in the subject line of your email
  • The deadline for receiving the abstracts is July 31, 2019. No abstracts will be accepted after the deadline

Abstract Confirmation Process

Step 01: Receiving Note. The conference committee will respond to the presenter within 07 working days of receiving the abstract.

Step 02: Approval Note. Once an abstract is approved by the abstract readers, the presenter will be notified about the approval. The presenter will then be requested to confirm his/ her participation by paying the registration fee.

Note: Presenters must register by paying the registration fee before September 10, 2019.  In case of non-payment the approved abstract will not be published in the programme book, and the session will not be scheduled. The conference committee reserves the right to take any final decision in this regard.

Step 03: Acknowledgement Note. Once the presenter has enrolled, by making the payment for the conference, s/he will receive a confirmation email, including the details of the programme.

  • Withdrawal of the Abstract: The last date for the withdrawal of abstracts is September 15, 2019. Requests for withdrawal of an abstract after the due date will not be accepted. SPELT follows a blacklisting policy for presenters who withdraw after the due date. The minimum blacklisting bar duration is one year and the maximum duration is four years.

Co- organizers


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